Episode 12: Empathic Discernment + The Gift of Sensitivity with Koya Webb
“We can’t judge how Spirit is going to show up in anyone’s life. And I personally think it’s uniquely different for each and every person on the planet. No matter what religion you practice, spirituality is personal.”
in this episode
Are you embracing the uniqueness of your spiritual journey? What does it mean to navigate the gifts of being empathic and highly sensitive? How do you discern when and how to share your divine gifts? In this episode, Shelby sits down with Koya Webb in conversation around the personal nature of spiritual alignment, and the power of tapping into our inherent divine guidance through the gift of empathy. While there are teachers, resources, and practices that can help us explore our spirituality, we each have what we need within to connect to divine guidance in ways that resonate deeply with us as individuals. As two deeply empathic women who are highly sensitive to physical, emotional and/or social stimuli, Koya and Shelby get into the gifts and lessons of being both empaths and highly sensitive people (HSPs) and how to be discerning about when to share the divine downloads they receive. Koya also shares how breathwork, meditation, and yoga can reconnect us to our inner knowing when distractions threaten to pull our focus. This episode will inspire you to lean into your unique connection to Spirit and honor your gifts.
About koya
Koya Webb is a sought-after holistic health and wellness coach and motivational speaker who is revolutionizing the holistic living landscape worldwide in the areas of spirituality, wellness and entrepreneurship. Known as a “transformational specialist,” she encourages sustainable lifestyle changes that maximize your ability to cultivate self-love, reverse life-threatening conditions, and experience optimal health.
Her Get Loved Up Yoga School and community of teachers inspire millions worldwide to practice more self-care, social justice, and eco-friendly living. She is a highly regarded expert and editorial contributor with media outlets nationwide. Koya has appeared on NBC, CBS, The Steve Harvey Show, E! Entertainment and Home & Family; and has worked with a roster of celebrity clients. Her mission is to inspire optimal health and wellbeing worldwide.